














[3]第二军医大学烧伤输液研究组(陈宜张执笔).狗烧伤后输液的实验研究.上海市科学技术论文选集,1960, VI,72-89,上海:上海市科学技术出版社.

[4]中国人民解放军第二军医大学针麻研究小组(陈宜张,邢宝仁,王春安).电针剌激对外周神经的作用 II.陕西新医药,1974,(4):35-41.

[5]陈宜张.脑的边缘系统与针麻.中华医学会上海分会针麻系统讲座资料1—7页,1975,上海(又发表于:针刺麻醉1979年(3〕(21-25).针刺麻醉,3:21 -25.



[8]Chen YZ, Chen J. Averaged evoked potential of paramedian midbrainarea elicited by stimulation of hypothalamic dorsomedial nucleus andits nearby structures. Kexue Tongbao, 1983,28(3):410-415.



[11]Chen YZ, Hua SY. Effects of glucocorticoid on electrical activity ofsympathetic ganglion neurons. Neuroscience, 1987, vol. 22Supplement. Abstracts. S336. 1008P. The 2nd World Congress ofN euroscience(IBRO)Budapest.


[13]Wang ZZ, Chen YZ. Adrenocortical responses to stimulation ofdifferent groups of peripheral somatosensory nerve fibers in the rat.Chin J Physiol Sci, 1988,4(4):337-344.

[14]Hua SY, Wu LG, Chen YZ. Electrophysiological study ofglucocorticoid and RU 38486 on the neuronal membrane. Chin JPhysiol Sci, 1989,5(3):241-245.

[15]Hua SY, Chen YZ. Membrane-receptor mediated electrophysiologicaleffects of glucocorticoid on mammalian neurons Endocrinology 124(2):687-691.

[16]Chen YZ, Hua SY, Wang CA, Wu LG. A nongenomic effect ofglucocorticoid(GC)through membrane receptor in neurons XXXIinternational congress of physiological sciences, Helsinki, 1989.



[19]Chen YZ, Wang CA, Gu Q, Xing BR.Rapid effect of glucocorticoids(GC)on PVN neurons can be specifically antagonized by RU 38486. Proceeding ofthe 4th international conference on the neurohypophysis. New aspects ofmorphology, function and regulation pp.47-49(eds:Thom NA, VilhardtH, Treiman M).Oxford university press.1990, London.


[21]Chen YZ.The peripheral and Central Neural Mechanisms Involved inTraumatic Stress Responses.上海:复旦神经生物学讲座VII.1991,75-84.

[22]Chen YZ, Hua SY, Wang CA, Wu LG, Gu Q, Xing BR. Anelectrophysiological study on the membrane-receptor mediated actionof glucocorticoids in mammalian neurons.Neuroendocrinology,1991,53, Suppl.1,25-30.


[24]Chen YZ, Fu H, Guo Z.Membrane receptor for glucocorticoids inmammalian neurons. In“ Methods in Neurosciences,Vol. 11”(ed.Conn PM), pp.16-28, San Diego,1993, Academic press.

[25]傅红,王福安,陈宜张.大鼠脑突触质膜糖皮质激素受体样抗原的免疫电镜研究.生理学报,1993,45(2):186- 189.

[26]Guo Z,Chen YZ,Xu RB, Fu H.Binding characteristics ofglucocorticoid receptor in synaptic plasma membrane from rat brain.Functional neurology, 1995,10(4-5):183-194.



[29]Chen YZ, Lou SJ, Qiu J.Mechanism of rapid inhibition ofcatecholamine (CA) secretion from, and of intracellular calcium([Ca〓]) increment by glucocorticoid (GC) in PC-12 cells. XXXIIIInternational congress of physiological sciences. abstracts, L007. 04,St.1997, Petersburg.

[30]Lou SJ, Chen YZ. The rapid inhibitory effect of glucocorticoid oncytosolic free Ca + + increment induced by high extracellular K + andits underlying mechanism in PC12 cells. Biochemical and BiophysicalResearch Communications, 1998,244:403-407.

[31]Zhu BG, Zhu DH, Chen YZ. Rapid enhancement of high affinityglutamate uptake by glucocorticoids in rat cerebral cortexsynaptosomes and human neuroblastoma clone SK-N-SH:possibleinvolvment of G-protein. Biochemical and Biophysical ResearchCommunications,1998,247:261-265.

[32]Qiu J, Lou LG, Huang XY, Lou SJ, Pei G, Chen YZ. NongenomicMechanisms of glucocorticoid inhibition of nicotine-induced calciuminflux in PC12 cells:Involvement of protein Kinase C.Endocrinology,1998,139(12):5103-5108.

[33]Chen YZ and Qiu J. Pleiotropic signaling pathways in rapid,nongenomic action of glucocorticoid. Molecular Cell Biology ResearchCommunication,1999,2:145-149.

[34]Chen YZ and Qiu J. Possible genomic consequence of nongenomicaction of gucocorticoids in neural cells. News Physiol. 2001,Sci, vol16:292-296.



[37]Han JZ, Lin W, Chen YZ. Inhibition of ATP-induced calcium influxin HT4 cells by glucocorticoids :involvement of protein kinase A.Acta Pharmacologica Sinica. 2005,26(2):199-204.

[38]Qi AQ, Qiu J, Xiao L, Chen YZ. Rapid activation of JNK and p38by glucocorticoids in primary cultured hippocampal cells. Journal ofneuroscience research. 2005,80:510-517.

[39]Xiao L, Qi AQ, Chen YZ. Cultured embryonic hippocampal neuronsdeficient in glucocorticoid (GC) receptor: A Novel model forstudying nongenomic effects of GC in the neural system.Endocrinology. 2005, 146(9) :4036-4041.



[42]Xu XH, He C, Zhang ZH and Chen YZ. MKLP1 requires specificdomains for its dendritic targeting. Journal of Cell Science. 2006,119:452-458.

[43]Yu XJ, Zhang SZ, Liu H, Chen YZ. The activation of the corticalhand area by toe tapping in two bilateral upper-extremities amputeeswith extraordinary foot movement skill. Magnetic ResonanceImaging. 2006,24:45-50.

[44]Di H. B., Yu S. M., Weng X. C.,Laureys S.,Yu D., Li J. Q.,Qin P. M.,Zhu Y. H.,PhD; Zhang, Chen Y. Z. Cerebral responseto patient’s own name in the vegetative and minimally consciousstates. Neurology, 2007,68:895-899.

[45]Yang HY,Yu JP,Fu G,Shi XL,Xiao L,Chen YZ,Fang XH,He C.Interaction between single molecules of Mac-1 and ICAM-1 inliving cells: An atomic force microscopy study. Experimental cellresearch. 2007,313:3497-3504.

[46]Liu C, Zhou J, Zhang LD, Wang YX, Kang ZM, Chen YZ, JiangCL. Rapid inhibitory effect of corticosterone on histamine releasefrom rat peritoneal mast cells. Hormone and Metabolic Research.2007,39:273-277.



[49]Chen YZ, Chen XP. Do we need molecular tomography of a cell andhow can it be achieved? Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology andPhysiology. 2008,35:872-877.

[50]xiao L, Chen YZ. Culture condition and embryonic stage dependent silenceof glucocorticoid receptor expression in hippocampal neurons. Jourmal ofsteroid biochemistry and molecular biology. 2008, 111:147-155.






















[3]第二军医大学烧伤输液研究组(陈宜张执笔).狗烧伤后输液的实验研究.上海市科学技术论文选集,1960, VI,72-89,上海:上海市科学技术出版社.

[4]中国人民解放军第二军医大学针麻研究小组(陈宜张,邢宝仁,王春安).电针剌激对外周神经的作用 II.陕西新医药,1974,(4):35-41.

[5]陈宜张.脑的边缘系统与针麻.中华医学会上海分会针麻系统讲座资料1—7页,1975,上海(又发表于:针刺麻醉1979年(3〕(21-25).针刺麻醉,3:21 -25.



[8]Chen YZ, Chen J. Averaged evoked potential of paramedian midbrainarea elicited by stimulation of hypothalamic dorsomedial nucleus andits nearby structures. Kexue Tongbao, 1983,28(3):410-415.



[11]Chen YZ, Hua SY. Effects of glucocorticoid on electrical activity ofsympathetic ganglion neurons. Neuroscience, 1987, vol. 22Supplement. Abstracts. S336. 1008P. The 2nd World Congress ofN euroscience(IBRO)Budapest.


[13]Wang ZZ, Chen YZ. Adrenocortical responses to stimulation ofdifferent groups of peripheral somatosensory nerve fibers in the rat.Chin J Physiol Sci, 1988,4(4):337-344.

[14]Hua SY, Wu LG, Chen YZ. Electrophysiological study ofglucocorticoid and RU 38486 on the neuronal membrane. Chin JPhysiol Sci, 1989,5(3):241-245.

[15]Hua SY, Chen YZ. Membrane-receptor mediated electrophysiologicaleffects of glucocorticoid on mammalian neurons Endocrinology 124(2):687-691.

[16]Chen YZ, Hua SY, Wang CA, Wu LG. A nongenomic effect ofglucocorticoid(GC)through membrane receptor in neurons XXXIinternational congress of physiological sciences, Helsinki, 1989.



[19]Chen YZ, Wang CA, Gu Q, Xing BR.Rapid effect of glucocorticoids(GC)on PVN neurons can be specifically antagonized by RU 38486. Proceeding ofthe 4th international conference on the neurohypophysis. New aspects ofmorphology, function and regulation pp.47-49(eds:Thom NA, VilhardtH, Treiman M).Oxford university press.1990, London.


[21]Chen YZ.The peripheral and Central Neural Mechanisms Involved inTraumatic Stress Responses.上海:复旦神经生物学讲座VII.1991,75-84.

[22]Chen YZ, Hua SY, Wang CA, Wu LG, Gu Q, Xing BR. Anelectrophysiological study on the membrane-receptor mediated actionof glucocorticoids in mammalian neurons.Neuroendocrinology,1991,53, Suppl.1,25-30.


[24]Chen YZ, Fu H, Guo Z.Membrane receptor for glucocorticoids inmammalian neurons. In“ Methods in Neurosciences,Vol. 11”(ed.Conn PM), pp.16-28, San Diego,1993, Academic press.

[25]傅红,王福安,陈宜张.大鼠脑突触质膜糖皮质激素受体样抗原的免疫电镜研究.生理学报,1993,45(2):186- 189.

[26]Guo Z,Chen YZ,Xu RB, Fu H.Binding characteristics ofglucocorticoid receptor in synaptic plasma membrane from rat brain.Functional neurology, 1995,10(4-5):183-194.



[29]Chen YZ, Lou SJ, Qiu J.Mechanism of rapid inhibition ofcatecholamine (CA) secretion from, and of intracellular calcium([Ca〓]) increment by glucocorticoid (GC) in PC-12 cells. XXXIIIInternational congress of physiological sciences. abstracts, L007. 04,St.1997, Petersburg.

[30]Lou SJ, Chen YZ. The rapid inhibitory effect of glucocorticoid oncytosolic free Ca + + increment induced by high extracellular K + andits underlying mechanism in PC12 cells. Biochemical and BiophysicalResearch Communications, 1998,244:403-407.

[31]Zhu BG, Zhu DH, Chen YZ. Rapid enhancement of high affinityglutamate uptake by glucocorticoids in rat cerebral cortexsynaptosomes and human neuroblastoma clone SK-N-SH:possibleinvolvment of G-protein. Biochemical and Biophysical ResearchCommunications,1998,247:261-265.

[32]Qiu J, Lou LG, Huang XY, Lou SJ, Pei G, Chen YZ. NongenomicMechanisms of glucocorticoid inhibition of nicotine-induced calciuminflux in PC12 cells:Involvement of protein Kinase C.Endocrinology,1998,139(12):5103-5108.

[33]Chen YZ and Qiu J. Pleiotropic signaling pathways in rapid,nongenomic action of glucocorticoid. Molecular Cell Biology ResearchCommunication,1999,2:145-149.

[34]Chen YZ and Qiu J. Possible genomic consequence of nongenomicaction of gucocorticoids in neural cells. News Physiol. 2001,Sci, vol16:292-296.



[37]Han JZ, Lin W, Chen YZ. Inhibition of ATP-induced calcium influxin HT4 cells by glucocorticoids :involvement of protein kinase A.Acta Pharmacologica Sinica. 2005,26(2):199-204.

[38]Qi AQ, Qiu J, Xiao L, Chen YZ. Rapid activation of JNK and p38by glucocorticoids in primary cultured hippocampal cells. Journal ofneuroscience research. 2005,80:510-517.

[39]Xiao L, Qi AQ, Chen YZ. Cultured embryonic hippocampal neuronsdeficient in glucocorticoid (GC) receptor: A Novel model forstudying nongenomic effects of GC in the neural system.Endocrinology. 2005, 146(9) :4036-4041.



[42]Xu XH, He C, Zhang ZH and Chen YZ. MKLP1 requires specificdomains for its dendritic targeting. Journal of Cell Science. 2006,119:452-458.

[43]Yu XJ, Zhang SZ, Liu H, Chen YZ. The activation of the corticalhand area by toe tapping in two bilateral upper-extremities amputeeswith extraordinary foot movement skill. Magnetic ResonanceImaging. 2006,24:45-50.

[44]Di H. B., Yu S. M., Weng X. C.,Laureys S.,Yu D., Li J. Q.,Qin P. M.,Zhu Y. H.,PhD; Zhang, Chen Y. Z. Cerebral responseto patient’s own name in the vegetative and minimally consciousstates. Neurology, 2007,68:895-899.

[45]Yang HY,Yu JP,Fu G,Shi XL,Xiao L,Chen YZ,Fang XH,He C.Interaction between single molecules of Mac-1 and ICAM-1 inliving cells: An atomic force microscopy study. Experimental cellresearch. 2007,313:3497-3504.

[46]Liu C, Zhou J, Zhang LD, Wang YX, Kang ZM, Chen YZ, JiangCL. Rapid inhibitory effect of corticosterone on histamine releasefrom rat peritoneal mast cells. Hormone and Metabolic Research.2007,39:273-277.



[49]Chen YZ, Chen XP. Do we need molecular tomography of a cell andhow can it be achieved? Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology andPhysiology. 2008,35:872-877.

[50]xiao L, Chen YZ. Culture condition and embryonic stage dependent silenceof glucocorticoid receptor expression in hippocampal neurons. Jourmal ofsteroid biochemistry and molecular biology. 2008, 111:147-155.




